Lead Generation Campaigns. They can prove a little tricky at times. Unnecessarily so. Let me give you 6 Successful Tips to Creating Enticing Marketing Campaigns to lure in those Leads. There’s nothing here you won’t be able to start working on right away. What’re you waiting for!?
Content is King
There’s nothing quite like the power of word of mouth. If you want your current database to be forwarding on your emails and sharing your messages with the world, you’re going to need to stand out from the crowd. If your emails are entertaining and charming, your audience will always look forward to them and are more likely to engage. Make sure you really put weight behind your content in your next campaign or blog series.
Make your audience feel special, this will encourage current subscribers to share and forward your emails, giving you access to friends and colleagues expanding your outreach and adding to your contact list. Include links in your email campaigns to specific landing pages with form fills. Why not direct them to a page with a pop-up to inspire your audience to give you their email.
The Golden Gates
Get some gated content out there! Gated Content is a great subtle tool when it comes to Lead Generation. Write a new whitepaper or ebook and ask your website visitors to enter their email addresses in order to access the new content. Another bonus of this method is it offers you another level of understanding about your lead, giving you the upper hand.
You can also develop a free tool for people to use, where all they need to sign up is their email address. For example, we’ve created a tool called GatorLeads Freemium. GL Freemium benefits us and its users in multiple ways when it comes to Lead Generation, why not use this kind of tool to your advantage and get new leads signing up, giving you a foot in the door to then show off all your other shiny products.
Keep it Simple
When dealing with the general public, your busy audience has a short attention span. Don’t dive straight in asking for every last detail about them. When using form fills, keep it simple by asking for only their name and email address. You can always ask their biggest pet peeve once you’ve established a connection further down the line. Don’t scare them off in the first 5 seconds!
Be Sociable Online
Having a well-defined social media strategy with a loud voice to catch the attention of the masses can only LEAD to one thing. Use your LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook to advertise an event you may be hosting. Encourage people to come to your website and sign up using their email address.
Partner Up
I get by with a little help from my friends! Partnering with another company in your industry can be incredibly beneficial and lucrative. We co-host many events with our partners Workbooks and Iconic Digital. Not only does this increase your outreach to a partner’s audience, but also gives your current subscribers a fresh outlook.
Co-hosting and Guest Blogging can help lighten the load, both financially and physically. Ensure to include a tracked link back to your website within any pieces you write for your partner so readers can subscribe to your resources.
And best of all! You can share all the leads at the end!
Testing 1,2…
CommuniGator? Bang on about testing again…? Never! You could be exhausting all avenues when it comes to Lead Generation, social media, gated content and event hosting and if you’re still not fruitful, it’s highly likely your copy or design might be to blame. Split testing to different audiences can give you an insight into what content is getting the most engagement, what design or subject line is catching your audiences’ eye, even when the best time of day to catch your target market is. The smallest alteration can cost you or make you a lot of leads.
A full database of high-quality email addresses is imperative to a high performing business. Here are just a few pointers to aid its growth. I think the main point to stress, is to test. Get to know your target audience and know who you’re sending to and your Leads will look after themselves.
View the original blog post here
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